Monday, August 4, 2014


Hey Family! 
Wow so many emotions this week. So transfers happened... I´m in Leganes but switching companionships. Hna Scattolon is training and I am going to be comps with Hna Rica, an hermana that I started in the MTC with. We are both going home together. So we have 2 and a half weeks to whip out and work our heads off before we hand our area over to the rest of the missionaries. Crazy but hey, its the Lord´s work. Scattolon and I did a little bit of ¨cleaning house¨with our area book. Because all though we can whip out a lot of lessons, we don´t have a lot of people progressing and we are trying to do our best with what we´ve got and work hard to find more. We did have one investigator who is a leader in his evangelical church come to sacrament during testimony meeting and I swear everyone came up and bore their testimony about the ONLY true Church and it might´ve helped him. I guess Hna Scattolon will have to work with that. I´m excited for the chance to work with Hna Rica now and so happy to be able to stay in Leganes. 
So this week was Rutilio and Lorena´s sealing that I got permission to go to. I know its not regular missionary work but I just have to say that there are no words to describe how I felt in that sealing. I thought of my very first zone conference and hearing about the vision of the mission and thinking how neat it would be to teach a family that would get sealed someday and I got to see it. I saw the vision of the mission as I saw this cute family kneeling over the altar and becoming an eternal family. This family that was my very first lesson in the mission field and became so special to me. Not that anyone reads this but I felt like so many Hermanas got to rejoice over this, all the Hermanas that played a part, Wright and Judy especially. I wished they could´ve been there. I love the gospel. I am so grateful for the chance to be a missionary and teach people the way to get back to their Heavenly Father. Thats what it´s all about.
Hna Palomino

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