Hey family!
So I have a lot of good news. First off, I got transfered... again. Now I´m going to be serving in Torrejon! My new companion is Hna Vouemba and I love her. The Alcala Hnas and Torrejon hnas share a piso so I have lived with her before so that means.. I´m back in my old apartment. Funny right? She´s been in Torrejon for like 4 transfers now and she´s awesome. I´m really excited. Hna Soto is staying in Barrio 4 and is going to train a new missionary. She is really happy, she really really really wanted to train.
More good news, yesterday after church and saying goodbye to the members of barrio 4 I got a phone call from Hna Judy, she told me I had 2 hours to figure things out and find an investigator because I had to go to Alcala for Lorena´s baptism! I had it figured out in like 2 seconds, no one had to tell me twice. Haha it was the happiest day of my mission.. so far. I can´t even describe how happy I was to be there. The first people I taught as a missionary, my little family that I left in Alcala, she was finally getting baptized! I got to see Mike there and also Jose! Hna Wright was even there! It was so perfect Rutillo gave an amazing talk followed by Hna Wright, which by the way, it was her last day as a missionary. A pretty awesome one if you ask me. She gave a great talk, the Spirit was just so strong during the whole baptismal service. And then Rutillo, having just received the Melquisdec priesthood, baptized his wife. It was the perfect moment. Lorena stood up and bore her testimony after. And the last hymn Para Siempre Dios Este Con Vos, I had to sing it with Hna Wright right next to me and it was a little awful but a little perfect. I´m going to miss her alot. When I was saying goodbye to the members in Barrio 4, one of them was shocked that I had only been out here for 4 months, she said you must have had a really good trainer. And I just smiled and said, you have no idea. Hna Wright was the best and I´m just so happy that yesterday we got to see people we had taught together get baptized. It was a really beautiful day. This stupid email does not do it justice. I´m sorry. Haha
But I love this gospel and I love being a missionary. I love seeing how the gospel of Jesus Christ blesses families and changes lives. I´m seeing it and its changing my life. There is nothing that I would rather be doing right now. This is the work of salvation, it truly is. I´m so blessed to have had this gospel and enjoyed its blessings my whole life and for that reason, I have to share it with anyone that will hear me. The Lord loves each of His children and He is aware of every little thing that we are going through. We just have to reach out to Him in prayer and He will bless us. I´m seeing it. I love you guys. Thank you for all the love, support, prayers, everything.
Hna Palomino
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